'P'enawar 'E'mosi 'S'elamanya (PES 2011)

31.3.11 - Posted by iqyhaziq at 3:25 AM
Haha.. Slm everybody.

Well, todays post will be written in English due to some specific reasons..

Yeahh, I know even though the title is in BM but still, all the body fluids inside me, including the heart, arteries, veins n even the iliac crest are telling me to write todays post in English..

Yeahh, I know, theyre quite annoying when they always influence me in everything I do.. lol..


Well I think you guys could already guess what todays topic would be right?

H : Whats he talking about man??
B : I dont know.. he keeps on talking about crap all the time..
H : Yeahh, he's always writing those posts as if someones reading them..
B : LOL ....

(u guys r absolutely right man, wow, such a genius )


Its about PES 2011..

Im sure the guys know what this is, but I certainly doubt that the girls know about this...

H : Im a guy, but I dont know.. is that a problem??
B : Dude, ur in deep trouble man.. Cant believe u could call urself a guy man !! lol

Well, for the sake of those who dont know, Ill start from the top ayte?

Well, here it goes:
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (officially abbreviated as PES 2011 and known as World Soccer: Winning Eleven 2011 in Asia) is a football video game in the Pro Evolution Soccer series being developed and published by Konami with production assistance from the Blue Sky Team.[1][2] The game was announced on 9 February 2010 and has been released on the PlayStation 3, PC and Xbox 360 on 30 September 2010 in the European Union and 8 October 2010 in the United Kingdom. The versions of Wii, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable were released on 28 October 2010. The UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League are featured within the game, and for the first time in the series, UEFA Super Cup and CONMEBOL'sCopa Libertadores will be fully licensed.[3][4] The first trailer was released on 4 May 2010,[5] while an E3 trailer was released in June 2010, showing some of the new features of the game. The game also sees the return of Lionel Messi as its cover star.

Thats a whole lot of typing I did there.. lol...

Well, now you guys get the idea rite??

H : Owwh, so thats PES 2011.. Ive played it once I guess..
B : Dude, ur still in deep trouble man.. All the guys had played it for almost a million times man.. Wow.. still cant believe u could call urself a guy..

Done with the introduction, now Im of to the main purpose of this post..


Have u guys ever had the feeling when you love something, and the something u love is almost a parasite that is about to eat ur brains out if u dont stop ???!!

Well, Ive had that feeling for a very long time now..

H : Arrrrgghhhhh !!!! Runnnnn !!! He has a parasite thats about to eat his brains out..
B : Nooooo!! Please dont eat my brains, Ill give u anything man..

What !!??

Noo !!...I dont have a parasite thats about to eat my brains you dummy..
LOL !!

Thats just a metaphor..

H : Owh.. Almost lost my cool there.. fuhh..
B : yeahh.. me too..

The parasite I was referring to is of course PES 2011..

H : OMG!!!
B : Yeahh, I know ur shocked rite??
H : So thats why he wrote this post.. That PES 2011 is about to eat his brains out i think..
B : *(looks in disbelief) Ur such a noob man.. OMG.. I cant believe we're friends ??

LOL !!..
U guys are really funny..

Of course thats not the purpose rite...

Im just saying that PES 2011 is starting to make me feel like, without it I couldnt do anything you know..

U see guys, Ive travelled 8000 miles from my country (MALAYSIA) just for one GOAL..
n its surely not becoming a World Class Player for PES 2011...

Ive come here just to study n become a Doctor..
No questions asked.. U see ???

H : I see man. I feel u dude..
B : Ssshhh.. Be quiet !!!! He's in dilemma..

Noo, Im not in dilemma or anything..
Im just sharing with you guys..
Its no big deal..

H : Well, if I may Mr. Writer.. I think I have an idea.. The problem is not the PES 2011..
The problem is u urself.. If u can manage ur time well, then it shouldnt be a problem..
I think u need PES 2011 as ur free time activity.. But try to control it as hard as u can..
Because u should know ur priorities... Same goes to any other activities that u do, everything has their own priorities n u should now them by heart..

B : Wow.. ur really good 'H'... Ur full of advices.. Great job dude..
H : Nahhh ... Im just helping man.. Helping others is my main priority u know..

Well thx my man..
Ur such a nice guy..
Now I know for what we do in life, look for the main priorities first..
Start at the top n make sure it finishes until the end..

Thanx guys..
As for my appreciation, Id like to put ur photos up in this post..
After all, u guys are part of me.. Is that rite HEART n BLOOD ???

B : Yup.. absolutely...
H : OMG!!..... Im gonna be famous !!!..

Comellll !!

30.3.11 - Posted by iqyhaziq at 7:09 AM

Slm ...

Haha.. Arini ak ada sumting nk gtaw sume org..

korg nk taw x apa yg ak nk gtaw ni??
xkn korg xda sikit pun sifat tertanye2 dlm diri??
xda ka sifat ingin tahu walaupun sikit??


sbnrnye bnde ni xda la penting sgt bg korg pon..
tp penting bg ak ar..


Ak nk gtaw yg ak ada seekor kucing yg disayangi.. =)

Namanye .....

(dgn dua 'L' ye)..haha

Ahah..itula gambarnye..
comel an??

skrg ni di baru 11 bulan.. mmg manja gle...


ak xtaw la npe tp ak mmg ske kucing2 ni sume dr kecik lg..

Dulu mak ak penah cte..
dia kata waktu kecik ak slalu maen2 ngn kucing..

Pastu ada satu hari tu ak tarik ekor kucing tu kuat2.. (kejam2)..
n then kucing tu cakar tgn ak.. dalam pulak tu dia cakar..

pastu mak ak kata ak x nnges pon..
n ak continue usap n peluk kucing tu..
nmpk x jiwa penyayang dlm diri ak..

maklumla, dlm hati ada taman kot..haha =))

Soo, skrg yg menjadi mslh bkn apa..

ak pun bru taw yg sume kucing kat egypt ni, kne vaccinate dlu..

pastu, skrg ni Si Comell x vaccinate lg..

Sekali vaccine kne la dlm LE85..
xda la mhl..

just nk bg ke Kubri Faysal kat Giza tu yg menjadi musykillah..


jauh sangat..

dengan taxi yg x abes2 nk charge dgn harga yg luar drpd biasa..haha..
lwk la plak ble pkir..=))

Tp Alhamdulillah vaccine tu kne bg sekali je setahun, kalo tiap2 bulan nk kne bg,
umm, nmpknye kat tepi jalan la rumah baru si Comell tu agknye..hahaha..=))

Tp veterinar tu pun kata, kalo x bg vaccine tu xda mslh.. cme kucing tu je la yg x selesa..
soo, mle2 igtkn nk biarkn je..
tp kesian lak tgk si Comell ni..

Lagi bertambah2 kesian ble time kteorg satu rumah tgh mkn, dia dtg n duk sblh kteorg smbil membuat mke yg paling comel skali, dgn harapan yg besar utk dpt sket la tu konon..

tp silap tmpt la dia dtg.. kteorg satu rumah sume lelaki, mana ada belas kasihan..haha..
kteorg pun mkn x ckup, inikn nk bg kucing..

Time ni la kuar frasa
"Ko pg la mkn friskies ko tu !!! "

"Kalo ko nk mknn ak, ko kne tukar ngn mknn ko!! "
tp mslhnye, si Comell nk tukar ngn mknn pe?? haha..
friskies dia pun kte yg belikn.. hahah.... lawak2..

ni la mke si Comell time nk minx mknn.. haha..
Dgn gigi dia yg kecik tu.. dia mengiau..

Soo,, maybe inshaAllah minggu dpn ak n sorg kwn ak akn bwk dia ke Kubri Faysal tu, utk amek vaccine dia..

Korg doakan la ak n Comell ni slmt smpai ke sana n kembali ye..


Tunggu jap..

29.3.11 - Posted by iqyhaziq at 10:04 AM

Arini tetibe dtg ilham nk tulis blog setelah sekian lama x update..
berhabuk dh bnde ni..

igtkn dh kne delete dah drpd databse.. rupenye ada lg..

Alhamdulillah.. =)


Hari2 ak n kwn2 seperti biasa pg kelas..

Lambat atau cepat itu bukan soalannya.. haha
Soalannye fokus atau x dlm kelas je.. =)

tp utk fokus dlm kelas tu memerlukan energy.. yg sgt2 tinggi.. kalo kurg je, maka ngntuk lah anda sume nnt.. haha..

Sejak result kuar baru2 ni an, apa yg ak dpt perhatikan ialah sume org dh hard blaja dh..
x kesah la sikit ka, bnyk ka, tp yg pntg mmg dorg ada pgg buku la.. (menakjubkan).. haha..

Kalo pd ak, mmg ak slalu pgg buku sejak kblkgn ni, tp sbb ak kene catch up balik sume yg ak tertinggal slame seminggu ni..

Maklumla, bdk2 JPA blik mesir lepas evacuate 10 Mac, tp kteorg dak2 KL smpai sini pun dh 22 Mac..

Perghhh ...

Seminggu lebih la tertinggal.. Naseb baek x menangis den nk mengejar pelajaran..

Physio : CVS, Resp
Biochem : Enzyme
Histo : Connective Tissue
Anat : Thorax (1 buku)

MasyaAllah, hanya Allah yg taw cmne ak push diri nk catch up.. baru first year an.. xnk la ketinggalan.. n harap2 tahun2 akn dtg pun x ketinggalan..

baru la ak sedar btape ssh nye kalo kte tangguh2 kan bnde..

nnt ble bnde dh bnyk bertimbun, kte jd malas nk buat....

Mle la kuar :

"Malaslaaaa", "Nanti je la" , " Ni yg ak nk give up ni", " knapa la dunia ni penuh masalah?"

haha.. pdhl sendiri yg crik mslh..

soo, jgnla tangguh2 kerja..

Alhamdulillah Allah kurniakan ak ni sifat x ske tangguh..
ak mmg akn x tenteram kalo sumting tu x setel...

lg2 kalo bnde tu pntg..
kdg2 smpai x boleh tdo la dibuatnye..

lg lama ak tangguh, lg increase la pressure.. last2 nnt sume bnde ak buat ak rasa susah..

haha.. kalo pkir2 blik, agak lwk la an..

sndri bwat mslh, sndri nk nek marah..

tula.. kdg2 ada hikmahnye ble org tua kte marah kte tangguh kerja.. ada sbbnye an..
dorg lebih taw sbb dorg la yg mkn asam garam lebih awl dr kita.. haha..

kdg2 dlu ble ada org2 suro ak bwat keje cpt2, ak nek tension.. ak pkir (apahal la mamat ni bebel2 ni? ) haha.. tp mmg ada sbbnye..

soo, skrg ni time2 sibuk ak nk mngejar pelajaran, time2 ni la terigt nk tulis blog..

xpa2, x slh nk luahkn prsn.. haha.. *cehhhh..haha

ok.. smpai ni je kot utk kali ni.. pasni ada lg inshaAllah..

Slm =)